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Cluster Houses


This house is not where we live, for the record. But this picture illustrates something interesting about Auckland….

In the USA, houses are built side-by-side on a street.

Here, the houses are built more in clusters than individually. For example, in this photo (below) the house circled is on Stichbird Close. Notice that there is a neighboring house on each side. But, if you look closely, the neighbor to the left also has a second house BEHIND his house— with a long driveway going to that house.

This is REALLY common here.

For instance, our house is actually Two units (ours and a smaller unit). To the right of our house is a drive that leads to 3-4 houses (each with subunits), all of which have addresses on the same road as us. To the left is a driveway for another neighbor. ALSO, houses here are built to have open windows and doors. They are specially designed to let in maximum air while keeping out the rain. They are also designed to allow maximum control over sunlight (an less need for electricity).

Most homes have most of their windows and blinds open. (Except when dressing).

Between the two, most evenings, we kind of feel like we are out camping— you can hear your neighbors, but you just smile and don’t think much of it. Nearby we have a kid who often practices their piano— quite lovely. We also have a toddler-sized neighbor who Really doesn’t like to go to bed at night.

I actually don’t mind. But I do find it to be an interesting difference.

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