Cozy Bed


7 (still laying in bed after time to get dressed)
Me (climbs into 7’s twin-sized bed): “7, your bed is SO cozy” (gently pushes 7 off her bed)
7: “It’s MY bed.”
Me: “This is mine now, you’ll get it back at the end of the day.” 🙂

7: (gets dressed and climbs into MY ultra-cozy bed— the usual routine. Enjoys a few min of mom-warmth and snuggles)
Me (a few min later): “Hey Siri, what time is it?” (7:20am) “Time for breakfast!”
7: “How come YOU don’t have to get up, Mom?”
Me: “‘Cuz I worked for 30 years to earn the privilege.”
7: (Pauses, scanning her brain for any potentially successful arguments… none. Heads down stairs.)

Love these Cute people!

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