Featured image of post November 23rd

November 23rd

My birthday is Tuesday!


7: “My birthday is Tuesday!”

Kai: “No, your birthday is Wednesday. Because you were born at 10AM on Nov 22 in Houston. Which means that it was 5AM on November 23 here in NZ. So we shouldn’t celebrate your birthday until Wednesday. ‘Cuz that’s when you really were born.”

These people crack me up!

Of course we will celebrate it on NZ’s Nov 22.

It’s just Kai and 7’s sense of humor…

He teases her about something that:
(A) He knows is inaccurate and
(B) Something that won’t hurt her feelings (e.g., teasing her that she loves pickles)

She, in return, defends to the death her stance on the topic, even though she knows:
(A) That her dad Probably knows his argument is inaccurate, BUT
(B) She can’t keep herself from arguing against, just in case.

She just can’t help letting him get her goat.

Goofy, sweet people.

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