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Sevy Modeling Project


Got home from the theatre to find hear 7 saying, “Mom, I created the first scene in my 2D modeling project!” It’s the main character in her musical, posed on stage at the start of her performance of a song that she (7) created.

Cute girl! It’s so funny having an artist in the house. Kai and I are both highly creative, but not in a visual-arts sort of way. Lucky girl… As the 1st generation pulling ourselves out of poverty, Kai and I both HAD to choose professions that were certain to provide $ for our lives. We both love our professions, so it worked out beautifully. But it’s nice to know that, if she chooses to do graphic art/music writing (her current loves in life), that she will have some cushion to help her through life. (She won’t be in the “I’ve only got one shot in life,” situation that I was in.) It’s fun to watch her grow!

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