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Tree Adventures


Last weekend, 7 did Tree Adventures with the Girl Scouts/ Girl Guides. I went with her— helping a group of girls. She was at the front of the group and I was at the end. We had a great time!

There were a total of 10 courses of increasing difficulty. I was astounded at the level of difficulty that even Course 1 was (for kids 5 and up). There were 5- & 6- year olds climbing around 2-3 yards off the ground and using the equipment like Pros!

7’s course were 3-7 yards off the ground. She started out terrified of zip lines. By the end, she wasn’t scared of anything! In fact, there were times, I would tell myself, “If my tiny 12-year-old can do it… I can do it!” Oh, and did I mention it was raining! I had two coats on and was soaked through. But 7 was undeterred!

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