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The Adventure Slows

Sometimes slowing down is a good thing


I’m really happy to be living in a city that is accessible by scooter and bike. While there are plenty of cars dropping of kids in the morning, doing so usually takes longer than walking or riding, so that’s what most kids do. I will generally ride my bike while Ari rides the scooter.

School was finally starting (that break felt really long). I had about a week between when school started and when my new job started. I had a nice long list of all the things I was going to get done in the peace and quiet! Yeah, right.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t ride my bike on Ari’s first day of school. It was in the shop getting some much-needed repairs. I also can’t keep up with him on foot unless I run the whole way. So, I rented a scooter. Unlike the scooters we use every day, the rental scooters are big. They are heavy. They don’t stop quickly.

I found this out when a little girl popped out of a side path in front of me on her bike and I slammed on the brakes. I completely shattered my tibial plateau. They needed to go in from both sides of my leg to put in two large titanium plates. Two weeks later I was home.

It’s been about two months. It’s definitely healing, but it’s a long process. I saw the surgeon again this week. He described it as an 18-month journey. I’ve been cleared to put up to 10kg of weight on the broken leg. For the most part, I’m still confined to home, so no adventures for now.

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